7150 aluminum is a heat treatable wrought aircraft aluminum plate, having excellent corrosion performance with high strength, used for manufacturing aircraft components. Learn more.
7150 aluminum plate with T77 temper is to meet the overall needs of aviation materials for high strength and high stress corrosion resistance. What’s its processing method?
7150 aluminum alloy, having good corrosion resistance and high strength, is used for wing beams, fuselage stringers, fuselage frames, etc. Learn more.
7150 Aluminum is currently one of the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloys most widely used in the aviation industry. How about is hot deformation performance? Learn more.
7150 aircraft aluminum in the T6, T77, T76 and T76+T6 has different corrosive performance. What does cause this difference? Learn more.
7050 and 7150 aluminum is developed on the basis of 7075 aluminum sheet, having higher strength and fatigue resistance. What are their uses on the airplane? Learn more.